Infants and Toddlers
You want to bring your infants and preschoolers to a safe environment where you know they are being well cared for and given loving attention. We have a group of folks who serve in our nurseries who love to serve God by showing your child His love!
Our infant nursery is located just off the sanctuary, and each child's parents are given a pager, just in case your little one needs your attention.
Preschoolers (age 2-5) have their own room directly above the infant nursery, stocked with snacks and toys, and they will love the Bible stories and games!
Sound from the sanctuary is "piped in" so if you need to step into the nursery you won't miss the praise music or sermon. you've been enjoying.
Our infant nursery is just off the Worship Center Sanctuary. With peaceful murals, safe beds and clean bedding, toys and furniture made especially for those babies up to two years old, your little one(s) will soon feel right at home!
Our toddler-preschool room is also set up with your child in mind. Games, toys, songs and Bible stories will keep them content while you attend worship service or Sunday school classes. The classroom is on the second floor, right above the infant nursery. With stations for pretend, trucks, puzzles, and story time, your 2-5 year old will enjoy playing with others and learning more about Jesus' love for them